The major role of information technology (IT) is to support organizational personnel, regardless of their functional area or level in the organization. The aim of this course is to provide students with solid grounding in business uses of information technology in a rapidly changing environment, and to provide discussion of critical issues surrounding the use of IT in organizations. This course covers a range of general information technology topics that will make the student appreciate the role of IT in business. Topics include: information technology fundamentals; information technologies; computer networks and security; business applications; development processes; and ethical, societal and security issues.
This course builds on students’ soft skills attained throughout the university years including written and oral communications, the ability to apply technology in learning, critical thinking and problem solving in order to lead a group of people or an organization to achieve a short term goal related to a project or a generic mid-term goal. Student will apply feedback elicitation to gauge success of approach and make amendments as necessary to achieve more effective results; both peer feedback and instructor feedback will be utilized for this purpose. The course will also involve the students in discussions, debate, presentations and seminars in order to create opportunities to assess each other’s work and give feedback. There will be a final report/essay and presentation that reflects and summarizes the benefits of successful activities and lessons learnt from others.
This course covers the foundational concepts and different perspectives on human resource management practices. In this introductory level course, the students are introduced to fundamental processes and operational challenges of HRM practices such as: recruitment and selection, managing employee relations, managing discipline and grievances, dealing with equality and diversity issues, and coping with the challenges related to international human resource management and cross-cultural management. The course also discusses the challenges involved in HR planning and measurement, learning and development, and effectively managing the performance and rewards. A particular focus is given to discuss the rationality and effectiveness of the prevailing HRM practices of GCC and Middle East environment. The course makes an effective use of case studies, and relates it to the UAE context to better explore the relative strengths and weaknesses of local environment compared to the international HRM practices.
This course introduces the phases of the system development cycle. Topics include: Systems Development Methodologies, Project Team Roles and Skills; software project planning; requirement analysis phase; system design; Human Computer Interaction Layer Design; Physical Architecture Layer Design; and implementation phase. Systems analysis and design using UML will be discussed.
This is an introduction to the technologies that are used for big data. The aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge required to use big data technologies and learn how to store, and process big data sets. Topics covered include: Big Data and Hadoop, Hadoop Distributed File System, Map Reduce, PIG, HIVE, HBase, and search with Solr and Lucene.
The course introduces the methods and techniques required to analyze, design, implement, automate, and evaluate business processes. Structured along the phases of the Business Process Management (BPM) life cycle, students learn to analyze organizational performance from a process perspective, redesign processes using value-focused techniques, design workflows and implement them in BPM systems, simulate new process designs, and create process analytics applications. The course leads students from process discovery through conceptual and technical process design through the implementation of workflows to the structure of process-aware information systems.
This course introduces the student to the four fundamental managerial functions i.e. planning, organizing, leading and controlling to teach them how to perform as an efficient and effective manager. The challenges faced by the contemporary managers in dealing with today’s changing business environment are discussed in detail in terms of different managerial roles and desired skills. This foundational level course will effectively prepare the students to undertake more advanced and specialized courses within the management discipline. The course provides a holistic view of management studies, and arouses their further interest in pursuing this discipline.
The aim of this course is to introduce basic concepts, terminologies, tools, and techniques of Knowledge Management (KM). Topics covered include: the origins and units of organizational knowledge; knowledge management life-cycle models, knowledge management implementation models, knowledge capture and codification, knowledge sharing, knowledge management tools and knowledge management strategies.
Today’s IT deals with gigantic amount of information. The success of any organization greatly depends on its ability to process and understand its information and extract essential knowledge to help managers take well informed decisions. This course teaches students the basic of data warehouse and how to deal with business intelligence – an information technology approach to data collection, data storage and data analysis to support a wide variety of management tasks, from performance evaluation to trend spotting and policy making. The students learn effective modeling techniques and use them to extract business intelligence and present them to users.
This advanced course examines how IT enables organizations to conduct business in radically different and more effective ways. The course defines high-level IT infrastructure and Information Systems that support the operational and strategic needs of organizations. It also develops a framework that will allow IS leaders to assess existing IT infrastructures and emerging technologies as well as how these enabling technologies might affect organizational strategy.
This course aims to give students the opportunity to work in a guided but independent fashion to investigate a problem by making use of information technology knowledge, techniques, and methodologies acquired in the previous semesters to provide a suitable solution to an IT problem. The course also aims to enhance teamwork and communication skills, both oral and written as well as ethical issues involved.
This course addresses the tactical/operational responsibilities and roles of the IT Management, and the governance considerations that link the IS-business organizations. The focus is on current/emerging issues in creating and coordinating the key activities necessary to manage the day-to-day operations of the IS function, and coordinating the skills and organizational IS infrastructure.
Internship familiarizes students with actual working environments. It gives students the opportunity to integrate their knowledge and skills learned in the course by applying it to real world problems encountered in business and industry. Internship also gives the student a feeling of what is involved in working on actual information technology problems and develop communication and team-work skills as well as ethical issues relation to IT.
This course aims to introduce students to new developments in the area of information systems not specifically covered in the curriculum and in which a faculty member has developed interest and proficiency. The intention is to provide a rapid response to current trends and to widen student’s knowledge in different areas of IS. Specific content of the course will depend on the particular area taught at the time.
Information technology today represents a critical component of business operations. Almost every part of the business depends on information technology. This means that the function of information systems auditing is important. This course aims to explore the nature of information systems auditing and how information systems audits are undertaken. The gained knowledge allows students to evaluate controls over the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information systems data processed and maintained in business corporation information technology environment. Students also will be able to learn about audit planning, audit reporting, and audit evidence.
This course provides a detailed, modular introduction to the concepts, terms, definitions, benefits, objectives, and relationships within IT service management processes and functions, according to the ITIL best practice framework. It is based on principles described in ITIL’s Service Support and Service Delivery Standards. It provides a practical understanding of ITIL key concepts, principles, processes, and functions.
Most failures of projects are related to either schedule delays, or cost overrun or both. A balanced cost and time management is in the core of project management, and successful projects will need extensive attention to budget performance, which is strongly coupled to schedule. This course will explore recent methods and techniques which integrate technical, schedule, and cost objectives to enhance control on projects and ensure their success and timely termination. The course will allow students to get deep understanding of the many factors that affect project time and cost performance, and teaches them how to employ best practices, well known templates, methods and techniques to observe and control them.
Project Quality and Risk Management are forward looking disciplines, which try to identify potential future problems and plan for effective mitigation or avoidance techniques, leading to greater success in projects and business in general. While it covers all aspects of an organization, this course will introduce students to analytical and mathematical models to enable them measure and evaluate risks and quality related to IS projects.
The primary objective of this course is to introduce the concepts of object-oriented programming: classes, objects, methods, object interaction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, recursive algorithms, and exception handling. This course is not meant as a comprehensive introduction to all of Java concepts such as applets and socket programming.
This course is designed to introduce the theory and techniques of AI to students. The course covers: knowledge representation schemes, classical and heuristic search techniques, inferencing, machine learning, and agents. The PROLOG language is also covered to enable students to represent, manipulate, and reason with knowledge.
This course provides knowledge and skills of problem solving and introductory programming using Java programming language. Topics cover: the problem- solving process; data types; variables, constants, scope, and memory locations; simple sequential programs; basic input/output; selection and repetition control structures; arrays and strings; and user-defined functions.
This course aims to cover a range of general information technology topics that will make the student appreciate the role of IT in business. Topics include: information technology fundamentals; information technologies; business applications; development processes; and ethical, societal and security issues.
This course provides an introduction to computer networks and the Internet. Protocol layers and the OSI model. Application layer: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, DNS and peer-to-peer applications. Transport layer: UDP, TCP and congestion control. Network layer: virtual circuits, routers, IP protocols and routing algorithms. Link layer: error detection and correction, multiple access, MAC addressing, switches, ARP, Ethernet, local area networks and wide area networks. Wireless and mobile networksare also discussed.
This course covers the principles and concepts of modern operating systems. Operating system services: processes and process management, memory management, file systems, Input/Output and device control, deadlocks, distributed systems and case studies. The course also introduces the learner to the principles and practice of operating systems with respect to effective and convenient management and operation of a computer system.
This course is designed to give a theoretical and practical background in database techniques. It covers: database concepts, data models, data dictionary, entity relationship diagrams, and relational data model, converting E-R models to relational model, SQL language, and normalization. Oracle software is used in the Lab.
This course aims at introducing fundamental security concepts to students. Main security threats and related countermeasures are presented. Students will learn the importance of protecting information stored on computer systems from unauthorized access. The students will also learn how to encrypt and decrypt information, control access to objects and recommend a secure system implementation.
This course introduces the basics of Web systems and how it differs from desktop systems. Students will learn client-server architecture, and how it evolves to multitier system. The course will allow student to learn and use essential Web languages and technologies including XHTML, CSS, and XML. Students will apply this knowledge to generate essential web components like basic browser controls (buttons, links, and menus), forms and frames. The course will also enable students to understand how these components are managed on the server side.
This course is designed to give students a basic understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications in Business Management. The course deals with Analytical Geometry, linear programming, linear algebra, basic concepts of set theory and Calculus using functions of one real variable.
This course will examine the ethical issues that arise in the use of computers, and the responsibilities of those who work with computers, either as computer science professionals or end users. Topics covered include: legal, social and ethical issues surrounding computer technology and its use; privacy; intellectual property rights and copy right laws; information technology code of ethics; issues of privacy and confidentiality; risks of using computers; and computer crime: computer viruses, hacking, phishing and pharming and scams.
This course covers: characteristics of IT Project Management, initiating an IT project; project planning; defining and managing project scope, structuring a project, project schedule and budget, managing project risk, project communication, tracking, and reporting, IT project quality management, ethics and professional practices, and project implementation.
This course introduces students to the new concept of enterprise systems and shows its role in the industry as used by medium and large enterprises. Students will understand the main architectural components of today’s enterprise and its infrastructure. The course also introduces different business domain concepts and workflow management and will help student make the link between development and implementation issues on one side and practical enterprise applications on the other side.
This course aims to introduce students to theory and practice of cloud computing. Topics include: introduction to cloud computing; parallel and distributed systems; cloud infrastructure; applications and paradigms; resource virtualization; resource management and scheduling; networking support; cloud storage systems and cloud security.
This course will cover the principles of networking with a focus on algorithms, protocols, and implementations for advanced networking services. We will examine a variety of ideas that were proposed to enhance the Internet, why some of these enhancements were successful while others were not. The emphasis in this course is on topics such as routing protocols, advanced routing and switching. It covers Internet architecture, congestion control, QoS, IPv6, and voice over IP. The student will use network simulators for some network models.
This course provides an introduction to mobile software development for those with Java programming experience. Students will learn to build mobile applications for phones and tablets through the study and use of a complex software development kit (Android Java SDK). Students will explore the emerging mobile ecosystem, location-aware software, and advanced programming topics including inheritance, polymorphism, threads, sensors, APIs and databases.
This course prepares students to administer and maintain databases by applying best practices and procedures to any database platform. With general, platform independent approach, students will be able to work as database administrators to any of the major industrial databases including Oracle, IBM BD2, Sybase, Microsoft and MySQL. Students will become familiar with DBA roles and responsibilities, be able to create a database environment with modeling and normalization as well as reporting while maintaining data integrity.
This course introduces students to the concepts, methods, and guidelines of computer user interface design. Topics covered include: user interface design principles, specifications and requirements modeling in UID, usability measures, interaction styles, user-centered design, and evaluating UID and screen layout.
This course builds on top of the first DBMS course by introducing advanced database concepts to allow students to effectively design and implement industrial quality database. The course revisits SQL in a deeper, more practical approach, with a focus on its PL/SQL extension. The student will learn database in a client-server setting, and see how to manage multi-user databases. Students will be able to design and implement functional databases that include major components of an industrial database.