• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Deanship of Student Affairs

The Deanship of Student Affairs (DSA) is responsible for those aspects of student life which extend beyond the classroom. The DSA is committed to encouraging the personal development and growth of students through the organization of a variety of co- and extra-curricular activities, which include cultural, social, sport and entertainment programs. In addition, the DSA is responsible for the provision of a variety of services.

Divisions of the DSA

Student Counseling and Services
Student Counseling and Services Supervisor is dedicated to helping students address personal or emotional problems that hinder them in achieving a fully beneficial experience at USTF and realizing their full academic and personal potential. Student Counselor utilizes a service system that emphasizes trust, respect, confidentiality, and compassion. Its overall goal is to maximize student success by attending to any emotional or personal needs which may impede learning. Through personal counseling, students learn to take charge of their lives, acquire skills necessary for adjusting to the demands of university life, and overcome difficulties that may prevent them from meeting their academic and career goals.

Student Activities Supervisor
Under the sponsorship of the DSA, Student Activities Supervisor (SAS) organizes many activities that span a wide range of interests, covering social issues, culture, art and sport. The SAS also acts as the central support for the student societies and organizes various student activities.

Student Role in Institutional Decision Making
The University of Science and Technology Fujairah (USTF) considers its students to be an important element of its operations and events and values their opinions and suggestions. Students can submit their written concerns/suggestions to the Dean of Student Affairs, the Vice Chancellors or to the Chancellor via the appropriate channels.

Student Societies
A student society is a body elected by USTF students; society activities are supported by the DSA. The goals of these societies are to:

  • Encourage student participation in a variety of activities.
  • Promote the spirit of cooperation among students, and encourage them to take on responsibility.
  • Provide support to new students by advising them and helping them in their new academic life.
  • Obtain student input regarding needs and wishes, and pass the information obtained to the DSA.
  • Act as a liaison between students and DSA.
  • Meet with DSA members on a regular basis.
  • Arrange for “acquaintance” meetings among students in order to break down the barrier between new students and the new academic society.
  • Promote study ethics among students and encourage them to abide by the rules and regulations of the University.
  • Urge students to abide by the morals, principles and doctrines required by UAE Society.

In line with the vision and philosophy of the USTF, the DSA arranges a series of developmental, educational and cultural courses for student leaders, with the aim of improving their performance and developing their leadership skills.

Student Services
The DSA is responsible for monitoring the student services offered by USTF and service providers working within it, such as accommodation, transportation and health care services. The Deanship seeks feedback from students regarding the effectiveness of these services and uses it to inform decision-makers regarding the improvement of these services.

USTF is eager to ensure the success of the education it provides. Female students’ accommodation is therefore given high priority, as it plays a key role in student wellbeing and can have a positive impact on academic performance. For this reason, an independent department has been founded which is concerned with every aspect of life in the student accommodation, for example matters of comfort, the mini- market, health club, internet, etc. These services are offered at very reasonable prices. The restaurant is run inside the campus by a third party company which is a well-known in the catering field.