• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Learning Support Services

Guidance through the Learning Support Services

Situated in the heart of Fujairah, the University of Science and Technology (USTF) offers personalized Learning Support Services (LSS) to ensure the overall well-being and success of its students. The free one-to-one guidance provided by our LSS is not unlike a lighthouse guiding ships in a storm, helping students to navigate the often difficult pathway towards building a career.

Aim of the Learning Support Services

Our goal is to lend a helping hand to students who might require additional support that surpasses what a typical training provider can handle. We understand that sometimes, external factors can cast a shadow over your academic performance and your journey into employment. Thus, we aim to disperse that fog and provide a beacon of guidance to help you stay on track.

Our Vision

Our LSS is not just a service; it is indeed a vision manifested in reality. We dream of an educational environment that not only supports academic growth but also fosters self-confidence and resilience. We believe that every student, regardless of their support needs, should have an equal opportunity to realize their full potential and seamlessly transition from the classroom to the workspace.

Our Mission

Our mission can be summed up in one simple word: help. We advocate for students who require additional assistance that goes beyond ordinary academic support. If you are wrestling with unique challenges that have an impact on your academic performance or your ability to participate fully in your studies, rest assured, we are here to support you.

Goals of the Learning Support Services

Our goals echo our vision and mission, focusing on providing specialized support to all students:

  • We offer dedicated one-on-one support to students who are facing personal or academic struggles. Indeed, walking through a storm is less intimidating when you're not walking alone.

  • Our support extends beyond academics, encompassing a broad range of issues. This includes personal issues, domestic violence, housing difficulties, interaction with the justice system, financial stress, and mental health concerns, among others. We also aid with study skills development, adjusting to an adult learning environment, and transitioning into work after completion of studies. Life is a journey full of twists and turns, and we are here to guide you through every step.

  • Finally, our endgame is to ensure all students complete their training and smoothly transition into employment. It is our firm belief that with the right support, the sky is the limit for all our students.

To sum it up, the Learning Support Service at USTF is more than just a helping hand. It is a lifeline for students requiring additional support and a springboard to propel them toward their potential. After all, every journey begins with a single step, and we're here to accompany you on every step of your journey.