• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Swahil Students Magazine

The SWAHIL Magazine is a monthly publication that is distributed to students and faculty of the University. It aims to inform the community about all news, events, and student activities happening within the campus. The magazine is also used as a platform for students to showcase their talents through articles, photography, writing, and skill development. It also publishes webinars, graduation ceremonies calendars, and student activities.

The magazine provides a wide range of opportunities for students in terms of publishing content, developing their writing skills, and expressing their views through various sections such as “View Point” where students are encouraged to express their thoughts and opinions about an issue that is affecting them or something they feel strongly about by writing an essay or poem. The magazine also allows students to showcase their artistic talents through drawings/photographs submitted by students themselves or by inviting artists from outside such as guest speakers during events held on campus or workshops conducted by professionals from different fields such as music etc.

The magazine has been used as a platform for students to learn more about career paths after graduation by interviewing alumni who have gone into different professions after graduating from our University at different stages in life.